Intro FP Imaging Reading Notes

  • Conventional imaging system:
        • 1) low pass filtering process
        • 2) discrete sampling of image sensor
  • Coherent imaging system:
        • Phasor amplitudes of the light field vary in unison at all spatial points
        • When light waves come from single point source (LEDs often)
  • Incoherent imaging system:
        • Phasor amplitudes at different points all vary in an uncorrelated manner.
  • Optical aberrations impose practical limits on resolution performance

Chapter 2 – Imaging Procedure of FP

  • Space bandwidth product (SBP) to characterize the total number of resolvable pixels.
  • SBP can be calculated with the total imaging area and the smallest resolvable feature of the image.
  • SBP of conventional microscopes on order of 10 megapixels.
  • FP tackles improving SBP without physical scaling up lens size
  • How does phase retrieval work and why do we need it?

Goals For This Week

  1. Post on this blog!
  2. Re-read Fourier Ptychographic Imaging by Guoan Zheng
  3. Re-read chapter 2 of Fourier Optics
  4. Get the smaller LED Array with the Arduino working with the image collection python and Arduino codes used in the full scale version.
  5. Build simple webpage and render as app with Cordova framework.
    • This will require learning a bit more about Cordova as a framework and choosing, installing and learning how to use a camera plugin.
    • Building a simple test app that can open the phone’s camera and take a picture is a good start.
  6. Build a web server hosted on the Arduino with a Wifi shield. Be able to handshake between the app and the Arduino.
    • Will need to order a Wifi shield or look into other wireless communication options.
    • There are loads of example code for Arduino web servers to interface user input over the web, so that will be a big help in getting started.
    • Connecting the app and the Arduino seems like it might be a challenge, because I have no idea how local web servers work and how the code behind the app will respond to the web server hosted on the Arduino.
  7. Sample flow for live worm imaging.