Getting to Know the ESP8266 Wifi Module

  • 3.3V device so to use with an Arduino Uno we will need a 5V to 3.3V Logic level converter.
  • Module also draws more current than the 3.3 V pin on the uno so a voltage regulator might be necessary or use another power supply that is rated or up to 500 mA.
  • Might be simpler to buy a dev board with the ESP8266 chip onboard and program the board directly with arduino code.

The HUZZAH breakout board from Adafruit Industries looks like a good bet for our initial set Foldscope optimization setup.

  • The Adafruit Huzzah Board has a built in 500 mA rated 3.3V regulator, is breadboard friendly and has plenty of documentation from Adafruit. It is also inexpensive.


  • What exactly is FTDI cable and uploading? Why is it more desirable over uploading via USB?